Mission and library vision

Mission is maintenance of a constitutional law of young citizens of Republic Kazakhstan on an easy approach to information and knowledge; assistance to social formation of students, to spiritual and cultural development, consciousness formation, education and a trade choice.
Vision is the library should represent cultural-information environment answering to standards of the largest libraries of higher schools of the country and the world.

The library purpose

Work efficiency increase of the scientific library of UIB, its controllability, expansion of library services list and quality improvement of information-library service of users at the expense of working out of a flexible policy of library fund acquisition at the account of dynamical development of the university, introduction of modern information technologies, development of material resources, creation of more comfortable conditions for work of users and on this basis improvement of information-library maintenance of education quality.

The main objectives of the library

  • Information support of system formation of quality maintenance of experts’ preparation, maintenance of scientifically-educational process with traditional and electronic information resources;
  • Formation of library fund according to a profile of the higher school and information requirements of readers. Organization and conducting the reference-bibliographic apparatus and databases;
  • Education of information culture: inculcation of skills of using by the book, other tutorials, library. Preparation of readers to work with reference apparatus including in the automated mode.

Priority objectives of the library development

  • Creation of effective mechanisms of interaction with structural divisions of the university participating in scientifically-educational process;
  • Introduction of management system of quality, information-library maintenance of quality of experts preparation;
  • Fund acquisition on specialities, fund completion on the most demanded disciplines;
  • Repertoire expansion of library services, their quality increase on the basis of the library hardware, a computerization of library-information processes;
  • Carrying out of scientific research and methodical work concerning the library and information-bibliographic service;
  • Development of electronic library;
  • Implementation of economic activity in order to improve library services;
  • Quality of staff;
  • Creating a positive public opinion about the library, development of technology for social partnership for meeting the needs of readers..

The main functions of the library

Scientific Library of UIB is a Member of Information Consortium of Kazakhstan Libraries and Association of University Libraries of RK. The library was organized in 1996 and is part of the University of International Business. UIB library is actively involved in forming the organizational, cultural and intellectual environment at the university, provides information services to users. As a major division of the university, with an extensive and diverse information and documentary fund, the Research Library provides a wide range of readers requests , offers wide opportunity for the implementation of educational and scientific research works of teachers and students.
UIB Scientific Library completes materials in 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian and English) on the profile of the university. Along with traditional library publications it forms a fund of electronic textbooks.
The library fund is about 300 000 units and consists of textbooks and manuals, monographs, theses and abstracts, fiction and industry literature, bibliographic apparatus (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books) and periodicals. The annual subscription to the periodical press is about 120 newspapers and magazines.
The reading rooms 96 seats, equipped with 25 computers with free access to Internet resources. The library is equipped with copy machines.
At the website of the university readers can use the electronic library of UIB, Republic Interuniversity electronic library, EBSCO Discovery Service , Web of Science , Scopus , ScienceDirect.